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The School has a comprehensive set of policies to help guide staff, pupils and parent/carer. A comprehensive index of all DFE, QCA, Ofsted and School Policy documentation is available from the School Office.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Kent Local Education Authority places a duty on Head teachers to report any unexplained or repeated injury or concern to Social Services including non-accidental injury, severe physical neglect, emotional abuse and/or sexual abuse. The procedure is intended to safeguard pupils who may be at risk and schools are encouraged to take the attitude that where there are grounds for investigation.  Whenever it is necessary to report an incident to Social Services we will make every endeavour to contact parents to inform them that a referral is being made. It is not a procedure that is undertaken without a great deal of thought. It does mean that the Designated Safeguarding Lead may risk upsetting some parents by reporting a case which, on investigation, proves unfounded. In such circumstances, it is hoped that parents will accept that the Designated Safeguarding Lead has the child’s best interest at heart. I am sure that we are all aware of sad cases reported in the press where incidents have not been reported and a child has been subjected to unnecessary suffering and we would all wish to avoid any possibility of such an occurrence.

The Cedar Federation Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Keeping Children Safe In Education

Special Educational Needs

In response to the SEND Code of Practice 2014, the School has developed a SEND Information Report and Policy for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, that contains a comprehensive description of the special needs that we hope to provide for, and what systems and resources we have put in place to meet the needs identified. If you would like a copy of this, or any other statutory or non-statutory policy the school has in place, please contact the school office.

Ifield School SEND Policy and Information Report (Under Review)


Ifield School and its Governors seek to ensure that bullying in any form does not happen.   We are committed to providing a caring, safe and friendly environment for everyone.   Bullying incidents are very rare, due to a very positive ethos in the school and the high level of care and support. We encourage our pupils to be kind, to develop respect for each other with a great emphasis on encouraging pupils to work and play together co-operatively.  We are very proud of the way in which our pupils care for each other and during out of school visits our pupils are frequently complimented on their behaviour. Parents and families have an important part to play in helping to deal with bullying. If you are worried that your child is bullying or being bullied in school, please contact the school immediately, so that any incident can be dealt with swiftly. All incidents of bullying are investigated, followed through and reported to the LA and DFE.

Equal Opportunities and Racial Equality

We aim to encourage our pupils to respect individual differences.  Through the School’s PSHE, Citizenship and RE programmes, we try to foster attitudes and ways of behaving which respect individuals regardless of their ability, colour, creed, gender or social circumstances. The school is opposed to any forms of discrimination and it seeks to build a partnership with pupils, staff, governors and parents to fight prejudice both in school and in the community as a whole. Staff ensure that all aspects of diverse cultures and religions are viewed positively and seek opportunities to make use of materials that will support this. We are committed to include all pupils in all school activities where this may be managed without risk to health and safety.

Single Equality Scheme

We aim to encourage our pupils to respect individual differences.  Through the School’s PSHE, Citizenship and RE programmes, we try to foster attitudes and ways of behaving which respect individuals regardless of their ability, colour, creed, gender or social circumstances.   The school is opposed to any forms of discrimination and it seeks to build a partnership with pupils, staff, governors and parents to fight prejudice both in school and in the community as a whole.  Staff ensure all aspects of diverse cultures and religions are viewed positively and seek opportunities to make use of materials that will support this. We are committed to include all pupils in all school activities where this may be managed without risk to health and safety. The school monitors its policies, procedures and practices in the light of its duties towards the 6 equalities strands (namely ethnicity, disability, beliefs, sexuality, age and gender).

Single Equalities Scheme Impact Assessment

School policies are developed to ensure that there is no negative or adverse impact on any individual or group in terms of disability, race, belief, gender, sexual orientation or age. All opportunities for potential positive impact on individuals, groups and the community are embedded within the ethos, vision and values of the school.

Complaints Policy

A copy of the Cedar Federation Complaints Policy can be obtained from the School Reception and via the link below.

The Cedar Federation Complaints Policy

Links to other Cedar Federation policies

The Cedar Federation Federation Charging and Remissions Policy 

The Cedar Federation Personal Care Policy

The Cedar Federation Whistleblowing Policy

Links to specific Ifield School policies

Ifield School Admissions Policy 

Ifield School Antibullying Policy

Ifield School Behaviour and Wellbeing Policy

Ifield School Careers and Work Related Policy

Ifield School Exams Policy

Ifield School Public Sector Equality Duty

Ifield School Parents Privacy Notice

Ifield School Uniform Policy

Ifield School 16-19 Bursary Policy

All the policies are reviewed regularly in line with statutory guidance and as part of quality monitoring. If you require further information on any of them or hard copies, please contact the school office on 01474 365485.

  • Ofsted Outstanding
  • The Cedar Federation
  • Ifield Smile
  • KsENT
  • SEN Specialist Schools
  • International School Award
  • Kent County Council
  • Arts MArk
  • Healthy Schools
  • Sport England
  • iNet