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Please find below home learning resources: 


Sycamore online learning w/c 22nd February 2021



Life skills – read the instructions of how to make a cup of hot chocolate and follow them to make a cup of hot chocolate with adult support.

Reading – read a favourite book to an adult or hear an adult read a book to you.


Easy – count some objects and then take one object away and see how many are left.

Medium – write a number between 1 and 20 and write what is one more and one less than the number.

Hard – work out the array and the multiplication sum and answer (page 1 only).



English – watch the lava song using the YouTube link. Disney Music - Lava (Official Lyric Video from "Lava") - YouTube

Answer the following questions:

Discuss the following questions:

What is the object in the story called?

What 2 things come out of the volcano?

What do you think the lava feels like?

What do you think the smoke feels like?

What colour is the smoke?

Where is the volcano found?

What is the volcano made of?

What is the volcano looking for?

How does the volcano feel when he hasn’t got a friend?

What noise do volcanoes make when they erupt?

How does the volcano feel when he finds a friend?

Do you like this song? Why? Why not?


Reading – read a favourite book to an adult or hear an adult read a book to you.


Easy – count some objects and then take one object away and see how many are left.

Medium – write a number between 1 and 20 and write what is one more and one less than the number.

Hard – cut out the numbers and pictures and match them. Write the multiplication sum and the array.

Geography – look at the PowerPoint about tectonic plates. Then colour the map of the World. Draw wound the edges of the tectonic plates with a coloured pen (the dashed lines).

Cooking – make shortbread biscuits according to the recipe.



English – watch the lava song again using the YouTube link above. Draw a picture of a volcano.


Easy – count some objects and then take one object away and see how many are left.

Medium – work out what is one more and one less using page 1 of the worksheet.

Hard – cut out the numbers and pictures and match them. Write the multiplication sum and the array.

Art – look at the PowerPoint about Roman Mosaics. Use scraps of paper cut into squares to make a mosaic of a flower.



English – read the story of the Little Volcano using the link

Easy – match the sentences with the pictures.

Medium – copy-write the sentences with the pictures.

Hard – write a sentence for each picture.


Easy – count some objects and then take one object away and see how many are left.

Medium – work out what is one more and one less using page 3 of the worksheet.

Hard – cut out the numbers and multiplication sums. Match the multiplication sums and answers.

PHSE – look at the PowerPoint. Then sequence how to cross the road safely using the worksheet. Next, decide whether a situation is safe or unsafe using the worksheet.

Reading – read a favourite book to an adult or hear an adult read a book to you.


English – read the story of the Little Volcano using the link

Easy – look at the volcano pictures and decide whether the volcano is active i.e. erupting or dormant (not erupting).

Medium – read the facts and write them with the correct picture.

Hard – search for a definition of extinct, dormant and active volcano on a computer, Ipad or phone. Then write a definition for each on the worksheet.

RE – read the PowerPoint of the Loaves and Fishes. Discuss what happens in the story. Name the characters using the worksheet.

History -  look at the animation about the Romans using the link : A Roman Soldier's Life for Me Animation Story (

Label a Roman soldier using the worksheet (page 1).

DT – make a Roman soldier’s sword and shield using cardboard. Decorate or paint the sword.

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  • International School Award
  • Kent County Council
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  • Sport England
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